It happens all the time.

Chatting with cik mai. Oh, I'm soooo relieved. So much better now. 
But still, it's so confusing. 
Why do I accept his request to be my friend at first place? 
Why do I keep replying his mail then?
Now everything seems sooo wrong. Awkward. I don't know what had happened . Maybe I did wrong. Maybe I'm not ready to go to the nest stage, so I slowly run away from him. Same goes to zamrus, same goes to farizul, and same goes to anwar. *sigh* I'll make a good friend, but when it comes to moving on to the next stage, I retreat. 
Cik mai said I'm in love with him. IDK. maybe she's right then. 
I should not have a male friend. I'll hurt myself later on. 

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